Unfolding the Possibilities: The Power of Extended Content Labels

Imagine revolutionary label designs that unlock three times more space for essential information and consumer engagement without sacrificing the label size. Product labels often require regulatory information and detailed handling and safety instructions that necessitate more space for text and graphics than a standard label can accommodate. Extended Content Labels (ECL) are used when all intended product information can not fit on an ordinary, one dimensional label. ECLs are constructed using different design formats such as 2-ply peel back, wrap around, 2-ply scroll, multi-layer hinge, or expandable booklets that can all be resealed on the product after opening. Companies use ECLs to boost consumer confidence by demonstrating product authenticity with an abundance of branding and product information. 

At the core level, ECLs are the most efficient way to provide additional product information, when traditional labels don't provide enough space.They have the potential to help your consumers make informed purchasing decisions by providing them with more complete and accurate product information at the point of sale. Some common uses include:

  • Regulatory Information
  • Directions & Usage
  • Multilingual Information
  • Product Warnings
  • Safety Data Sheet Details.

Branding and Promotional Information

One advantage of using extended content labels is the opportunity to allow more customer interaction with your brand.

Branding:  ECLs allow more space for creative design which can attract more consumer attention to your brand.

Promotions & Contests: The extra space lets brands include more advertising campaigns or create a distinct campaign directly on the product that is easily visible to the consumer.

Insider Information: Everyone likes to feel important and these customized labels offer another opportunity to share more details of how your brand was developed with the people who use your product. 

The Right Type of Extended Content Label for Your Product

There are many different types of extended content labels, all of which combine a pressure sensitive label with hinged, expandable, or wraparound layers. The right type of ECL for your product will depend on several factors, including the type and shape of the product, elements of branding, and regulated, and non-regulated information specific to that product. Some products, such as food and beverages, require specific types of ECLs that include nutrition facts and ingredient lists. Others, such as electronics, may only require a simple barcode.

Once you have chosen the right type of ECL for your product, you will need to design it. The design should include information such as nutrition facts, warnings, or a barcode, and a layout that is easy to read and understand. Next you must consider the label material for your ECL that provides the durability to withstand the environment in which it will be used. The following ECLs demonstrate key differences in application and construction. 

Booklet Labels

A multi layered booklet label, also called a hinge is constructed using a pressure sensitive label that unfolds to reveal additional panels or pages, and can be customized to fit particular dimensions. These labels are applied to products when the product requires a large amount of regulatory, safety, or instructional information that won't fit on a standard label.  Booklet labels can also accommodate multiple languages, making products accessible to a broader audience.

Booklet labels are commonly used in pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, agriculture, chemical, personal care, and food and beverage industries.

extended content label


 Peel, Reveal, and Reseal Labels

Peel, Reveal, and Reseal labels are designed so the customer can peel, read, and then reseal the label repeatedly. The top layer of this 2-ply design is peeled back to reveal additional information printed on the underlying layer. The durable synthetic material helps the label withstand repeated peeling and resealing so that the content on the label will remain intact for the usage duration of the product.

Peel, Reveal, and Reseal Labels are typically found on prescription bottles, cosmetic products, and food containers, and are less expensive to design and print than booklet labels. 


Scroll Labels

Scroll-type or Wrap Around, 2-ply labels are designed to wrap around cylindrical containers allowing consumers to unroll for access to additional product information. Scroll-type labels are tailored to fit different container sizes and can be printed with custom graphics, branding, marketing and regulatory details.These labels provide an effective way to convey essential product information in a compact format. 

Scroll Labels are often found on smaller containers such as laboratory vials, pharmaceutical bottles, cosmetics, and travel sized personal care items. 


Wraparound Labels

As the name implies, Wraparound product labels are designed to encircle a product, providing a single continuous label that adheres seamlessly around its surface. They are commonly used on cylindrical or irregularly shaped items, such as bottles, jars, and cans and wrap fully around the container. These labels cover the entire circumference of the product, maximizing printable space to add comprehensive branding and regulatory information. Wraparound Labels are suitable for a wide range of products from beverages and sauces, to cosmetics and household items.

 These labels are most commonly used on bottles (i.e.: water bottles, and other types of drinks, pharmaceutical bottles, personal care products) and jars (i.e.: peanut butter, honey, salsa, cannabis and many other food products).



Let Mediajet take your ECL design to a superior finished product label. Our dedicated team has the experience and knowledge to identify and manufacture premium custom labels for your specific application. With ELCs we offer a dynamic solution for labels that need to convey a lot of information while maintaining a sleek and compact packaging design

Maximize product information, maintain regulatory compliance, elevate brand recognition, and sell more products, with Extended Content Labels!

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