GHS Labels

Mediajet will help you meet the GHS Standards with In-Stock Label Solutions

The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) is the international standard for the information required on chemical containers. This system is used to keep the classification and labeling of hazardous chemicals the same around the world.

In the US, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) adopted this Hazard Communication Standard to monitor all companies who make, manufacture, distribute, import or export hazardous chemicals. They want to make it easy to identify chemicals and potential hazards.

As a value-added reseller, MediaJet should be your primary GHS label and BS5609 Compliance Labels supplier. Our well-trained and knowledgeable staff is equipped to answer your questions about primary and secondary GHS labeling and offer quick solutions with many GHS-compliant materials and label options, which are in stock and readily available in Jacksonville, Tampa, Orlando, Atlanta, and beyond.

GHS Label Requirements: the Six Elements GHS Labels

  1. Signal word: A signal word is required to indicate the relative level of hazard. The signal words used are "Danger" and "Warning."
  2. Pictogram(s): A pictogram is a graphical image that represents a hazard.
  3. Supplemental information: Additional information may be included on the label as needed to ensure that the label is legible and informative.
  4. Precautionary statement(s): Precautionary statements are required to describe measures that should be taken to minimize or prevent the adverse effects of the chemical.
  5. Hazard statement(s): Hazard statements are required to describe the nature of the hazard.
  6. Product identifier: The name of the chemical must be displayed prominently on the label.

GHS Labels for Secondary Containers

Workplace operations may require you to transfer chemicals from the original labeled container into a secondary container. Secondary containers must be labeled if they are going to be stored on-site for more than one day. The label must include the product identifier and name, the signal word, hazard and precautionary statements, the name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or distributor, and an emergency telephone number.

Update Chemical Containers with GHS Labels

GHS labels are an important part of labeling for chemical containers or chemical drums. They provide essential information about the contents of the container and the hazards associated with them. GHS labels also help to ensure that containers are properly labeled and that the information on the label is accurate.

GHS Labels Blank GHS Labels & Custom GHS Labels from Mediajet

Mediajet is in the unique position to have GHS-compliant labels in stock. We have blank GHS labels that you can use for your in-house printing. We can also work with you to help you create custom GHS labels that meet the OSHA standards for labels.

GHS Labels

At Mediajet, we strive to be your one-stop shop for labels and label printing systems. We want to help you find the system that is the most efficient and cost-effective for your particular process. We will help you evaluate your current label printing needs, understand all of your options and choose the set-up that is right for you.

GHS Compliant Label Printers

New Epson ColorWorks™ industrial color inkjet label printers feature faster print speeds, expanded connectivity options, better image quality, and lower costs for printing GHS labels.

GHS Labels

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