General — printer error

Print Without Interruptions: Tips to Prevent Paper Jams and Boost Printing Efficiency

Posted by David Coatney on

Print Without Interruptions: Tips to Prevent Paper Jams and Boost Printing Efficiency

In the printing industry, paper jams are an occasional challenge that no one wants to encounter. Often caused by imperfections in the label material, these disruptions can slow down production. In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons behind paper/printer jams and share effective strategies to ensure a smoother and more efficient print flow. Paper Jams Got You Stuck? Here’s What’s Really Going On: 1. Improper Label Alignment: To ensure consistent output, printing requires a smooth, aligned transition as labels advance through the printer. Labels that come on a roll can be wound too tight, too loose, or misaligned, resulting in...

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Printer Error Codes: Pesky Obstacles with Essential Benefits

Posted by David Coatney on

Printer Error Codes: Pesky Obstacles with Essential Benefits

  As the operator of a reliable label printer with high quality printing capabilities, you have probably encountered a time when an error code appears on the screen, and the printer abruptly halts or doesn’t initiate printing. Though errors occur from time to time, leading to frustration and uncertainty, these pesky codes play a crucial role in the printing process for several reasons. Diagnostic Tool: Error codes serve as diagnostic tools to identify specific issues within the printing system. When an error occurs, the printer generates a code that provides information about the nature of the problem. This allows users...

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